Tuesday, March 10, 2009

I just have to thank David for the laughs!

Lately David thinks that I keep setting him up, but I promise. . . he has done this all on his own.  Last night I was making David a taco for dinner with some leftover meat we had and wanted to grate some cheese for it, but I couldn't find the cheese grater.  Our kitchen is not that big and I had looked in the usual cupboards and in the sink, but I didn't see it.  I asked David if he knew since he had used it the day before. . . 
I do need to mention that on Sunday after waking up from our nap I didn't feel like making anything big for dinner and just wanted to have cereal and a bagel.  David was fine with that, but then he went off and made up a little "picnic" for the two of us.  Of all things to have at a picnic, he made up some tacos and orange juice!  But we decided it still counted as a picnic since we did clear a spot and sit on the ground to eat.  It was cute especially since he hasn't cooked anything since we have been here because he works so much of the week and I am the one with the time to make dinner.  We had fun with it and David tried hard to do something a little special.  
Back to my story from before. . . .So I asked David if he knew where the cheese grater was since he had used it the day before when he made tacos.  He came into the kitchen looking saying how I just wasn't looking hard enough and how he knew it couldn't be that hard to find.  He looked in all the same cupboards that I did and I was kind of nervous that he would find it and that I would look like a dork. . . but he didn't find it.  
We then started looking in random places. . . under the table, in the garbage, in the bedroom, bathroom, living room. . . nothing.  I was starting to get worried that maybe someone took it and was thinking if I had noticed anything else was missing.  I was so confused.  Then I thought about something . . . could it be in the fridge?  TA-DA!  There was our cheese grater, sitting on the shelf next to the milk.  
I just had to laugh and give David a hug!   I have been finding things in the fridge that don't need to be refrigerated. . . like our saran wrap, empty cups, the box of Ziploc bags, hot pads and measuring cups.  It is so funny to me and David has no clue how they got there.  It is only me and him around here, and I am 100% sure that I didn't put them there, but he thinks I am out to embarrass him.  I just know that now when I can't find something, I know where to start looking!

1 comment:

TracieCarter said...

Poor guy must be workin so hard he's left his brain at work. Glad it makes for good laughs!