Thursday, April 16, 2009

Driving across the USA

It has been a long time since I have posted anything! We have been all over the place lately, that's for sure!
To start, David finished his accounting internship with Novogradac and was offered a job that would start in January after we both finish school. He will probably stick with the Portland job offer. We are looking at Boise jobs as well. . . so we'll just have to see!
So David finished on the 31st of March so we took off that evening hauling a trailer with all our stuff in it and drove to Mom and Dad's that night. Then the next morning, we took off with Mom and Dad and their crew (Matt, Abby, and Luke) and our trailer off to Idaho. We drove all day and got to Chad and Amber's that night and had fun with playing with their kids all night and we even got to have Will read his book, Bob at Bat to us. Their kids have learned and grown so much in the few months we were away! They are still fun and adorable of course!
We moved into our apartment the next couple days in Rexburg. We love it! It is just part of the college life . . . but we are very excited to now have a dishwasher and a washer and dryer in our apartment! Hooray! No more quarters and now we have a machine to do the dishes for us! We found a good deal on our apartment and we liked what we saw. We were there for a couple days and then we packed the car up with Rachel's stuff and some of our stuff and went down to Salt Lake with Mom and Dad and their crew to catch a few sessions of conference. We had some fun adventures getting tickets and spending some time with Ben and Elizabeth as well.
Then Mom and Dad took off and went home, and David, Rachel, and I took off from SLC on the road to Texas. We drove to Albuquerque and got a good nights rest there and then finished the drive to Dallas to move Rachel in and then to his sister, Rosie's where we have been staying. . . and playing! So there was a ton of driving, but we did the majority of it during the day so we were wide awake and were able to enjoy the drive.
This is my first time in Texas and we have been having a blast just hanging out and relaxing and enjoying Dallas! We will be on our way back to Idaho in just a bit to start a new semester of school on Monday!
I will have to write about our adventures while we have been here in a later post. Just know that we thoroughly enjoyed April 15 this year and we may never have a more relaxing April . . . since David wants to be an accountant so bad!


TracieCarter said...

I was wondering when you'd resurface! Is window washing among your summer plans this year? Glad you like your new apt and are having fun in TX! Haven't been yet, but Texans ARE quite proud of their home state!

Love you!!!

The Bynum Family said...

(In reference to the above statement by Tracie)lol...Yes we are Tracie ;)

Glad you and Dave made it home safely! We missed you guys this week! Hope that your first week back to school is going smoothly. Can't wait to see what sort of great stuff you will post next...I'll try and see if I can send you a good DDR video :)