Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Our neighbors,Brett and Emily went home in between the semesters and left us with all of their babies. We have been so privileged and trusted to "plant-sit"! We have been watering and watching over their flowers and watching the new flowers that bloom. We don't want them to miss out on the action, so we are going to update them as their flowers grow up!!

Here are the cute little ones. There are about 15 or so of them and more keep coming every day! The ones in the middle seem to be struggling and the flowers on the end are trying so hard. It looks like they might be ready to show their colors in the next couple of days! We are pretty excited for all the flowers and we are so proud of the wonderful flowers they grown up to be. We will keep everyone updated on our adopted little babies.


Emily said...

wow!! There are so many now!

Thanks for taking care of them...you guys look like you're doing a great job :)

I'm so proud of the little flowers they've grown up to be....

Brett said...

Wow, they look so beautiful! I am glad that you guys are treating them right... They look good! It stinks we had to miss out on that... California has been fun and I hope Rexburg has been too...!