Sunday, November 29, 2009

Sleep Over!!!

We got to have a ton of fun playing and relaxing watching movies with Chad's kids last weekend. We started off the Thanksgiving break with my dad coming to town to go hunting with Nick and Chad. Amber was out of town and so David and I got to watch Will, Eddie, and Emelia over night. It was a success too. David wasn't feeling too good, so I just took over and made dinner. The kids wanted Mac 'n Cheese which was great. Simple enough! Then as I drained the noodles, I realized there was no milk! So I just put a little extra butter and left some water in there, and the kids had no idea. David noticed, but oh well :)
Then I had Will go take a shower while Eddie and Emmie finished dinner. Then the girls went and took a bath. While they were taking a bath, they asked when I had to go home. I told them that I was going to stay with them, and then Will said, "Let's sleep at your house!"

It wasn't a half bad idea. . . mostly because they could sleep on the "big balloon" as Edison called our air mattress. We gathered up clothes for the next day, and Emmie brought Don't Break the Ice to play and we took off back to Rexburg.

They loved watching the air mattress blow up when we plugged it in, and then it was perfect for all of them to run and do somersaults onto!
We played games for a while, Edison drew pictures, and they did a few more somersaults and it was time for some ice cream and then bed. I thought that by putting on a movie, they would all fall asleep. Not quite :) Edison and Emilia had to make their beds first. This was going fine as there was plenty of room for all of them, but them Edison was standing up and backed up too far and fell off. She was stuck too. I wish I had pictures. She fell and was folded in half with her nose pretty much touching her knees. . . I helped her out and asked her if anything hurt. "My bum." Little kids are pretty flexible, but they don't have the advantage like some of us have with a little extra cush' on the tush :) A good hug helped of course, and I asked if she needed me to kiss it better. . . and she looked at me really cute and confused. . . .good thing she said no. I know she just took a bath, but it still is what it is :)

Lesson of the night: It's really really hard to frown when you got a smile on your face!

So the were watching Space Jam and I was thinking that they would probably be asleep by the end of it. . . not even close. . . I was almost there though! So I put in Little Rascals and I thought that they would definitely fall asleep to that one because they probably wouldn't get the jokes. Edison, Emilia and I were out, but Will was going strong and woke me up to watch another one. I made sure he was really comfortable and tucked in, and then put in one last movie which finally did the trick. They were all asleep!!!

I went to bed, but found myself waking up every time some one coughed or talked in their sleep. I think I was just worried, but they were all just fine.

The next day we had breakfast and they wanted to go to the park. It was pretty cold out, so we bundled up and went for it. I gave each of them a water balloon that I just filled with air. It was windy out so every time they accidentally let go of their little balloon, they would chase it for a few minutes. I was laughing so hard. They would reach down to grab it and the wind would just blow it out of reach. . . then they started to pounce on it, and the wind would just blow it out of reach again, and again, and again.... It was so funny to watch! After about 20 minutes of this, their hands were really cold and they wanted to go.

We went to pick up Amber at the air port and they were so excited to see their mom! Will wrote here a love note on the way there. We got there 15 minutes before her flight came, so we went for a walk around the airport. We all held hands so no one got lost and Edison taught us all how to "ice skate" (galloping). . . we were all "ice skating" as we walked around the airport holding hands! We all started laughing as Edison thought David and I looked funny doing it. Her laugh is so all over the place that it made all of us laugh.
Here's Will with his love note :)

The people started coming down the escalator form Amber's flight but we couldn't see Amber yet. Then I saw someone who I was pretty sure I knew. This is how it went:

Lorry: David is that one of the 12 coming down the escalator towards us?
David: The one in the suit?
Lorry: Ya. . .I think he is one of the 12. . . the one that is a heart surgeon. . . which one is he?
David: I know it's not Bednar, not Eyring, not Holland, not Oakes, not the new ones...
Lorry: I think it's Nelson! . . .no is it? Maybe it's Scott. . . no I don't remember but it's one of those two for sure.
So all of this happened so fast and then he met with his escort/ride and was out of there. I was talking to Nick later and he assured me that it was M. Russell Nelson. It was really exciting to see him. From the general authorities that I have seen, they always seem to look older in person as I can see the wrinkles up close and I always imagine them as some big, tall person, but they are mostly little old men. I feel so privileged to get to see them.

Then Amber came down the escalator and the kids were SOOOOO excited to see her. They wanted to run to her to give her a hug, but they couldn't go past the security doors so they just waited and were jumping with excitement until they were able to grab her. Too cute!

I loved watching the kids and playing with them. They love to laugh and play and they are way cute while they do it! I guess David and I better get our own to have so much fun with all the time :)

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