My sweet Davy turned three months old last week. Here are a ton of pictures that I took while we were cooped up in our hotel last week with lots of ear infections, runny noses, fevers, and coughs galore! It is a glamorous life we are living :)
Davy is that kind of sleeper! For over a month now, he sleeps a solid chunk of the anywhere from 7-10 hours. I think Katelyn still wakes up more often than he does! I have no idea why he is such an awesome sleeper other than kids are just different. I am terrible at sticking to any sort of schedule. I just feed him every three to four hours and if he starts getting droopy eyed, I lay him down and swaddle him up. I really don't do anything special or fancy. Maybe it helps that he takes a pacifier? Maybe it helps that I am not able to hold him and stare at him all day like I did with Katelyn and she got too attached to want to sleep anywhere other than with us? I don't know, but I cannot complain. I am so grateful he sleeps so well and keeps me sane!
I think he is much more of a mix of the two of us than Katelyn is. She clearly looks more like David. Davy is a little paler, has my eye shape with David's dark brown eyes, has David's nose, and possibly my mouth. He has a little dimple on his cheek when he smiles really big that I love and I will do the most silly and obnoxious things to bring out that big smile with the dimple! As you can see in the next picture...we really are the funniest people!
He is a smiley baby and will crack a smile as we walk by him knowing that they suck us in. His smiles make us all smile and we just can't get enough of them! I often put off doing things I should because I just gotta get those smiles from him. They are so addicting and satisfying.
Sometimes it is so hard to hold up his own head and it takes a few grunts and toots to keep it in place :)
He is a very stiff baby and tries out his strong muscles so often. He is not a snuggler because of this. He is still a wobbly bobble head, and he tries so hard to stretch out his legs and stand tall. It is hard to get him to sit because he won't relax to bend at the trying to bend a piece of wood in the center. His hinges seem to be a little stiff :)
When we hold Davy he likes to push away and look around at everything except for who is holding him. He also likes to surprise us and see how well we are holding him and he will fling back and use his back muscles to try to back flip out of our arms. I have to warn people of this because I am afraid he will fling himself out of someone's arms. There's too much to see to waste time nuzzling in. The only times he relaxes and snuggles is when he is drunk on milk and getting burped...and he has more manly burps than David :)
I like to dress him up on in plaid shirts and I love that he looks like a little manly man. David says these shirts remind him of Al Borlin from the show Home Improvement.
Davy likes to talk with his cute little coos and that's what he is doing in this next picture. Sometimes he tries to flatter me into giving him some milk with his sweet voice and when that doesn't work, he gets angry and sad and cries for it.
These next two pictures are funny and a little creepy only because he was sleeping so peacfully and I rolled him on to his side for the pictures and his hand stayed behind his head and he calmly laid his other hand on his chest. He was just posing for the camera and knew exactly what he was doing because in the next picture he opened his eyes and looked right at me. It honestly scared me because I was awwing over him sleeping and posing so sweetly and then his big dark brown eyes were just staring!
Katelyn loves loves loves him! He cracks her up any time he smiles, or tries to tickle her (we convinced her that he is trying to tickle her, not hurt her when he kicks or hits her with his flailing arms or legs) or when he is dancing (flailing arms and legs when music is playing). She loves bath time with him and thought it was funny when he peed across the tub on her while I was grossed out. She did agree with me that it was really gross when he pooped in the tub and gagged/nearly threw up. For some reason she still enjoys taking a bath with him!
She gives him lots of hugs and kisses to the point of almost smothering him daily. I have to keep an eye on that girl! She calls him "Baby Butter" as she doesn't really say r's or th's, but it is fitting for our little butterball boy.
He puts up with her loving on him on a regular basis. These two take a lot of work, but at least we all still like each other!
David would be proud of this next shot taken by Katelyn...we might have a photographer on our hands! Let's start a business :)