Thursday, November 4, 2010

What A Chunk. . . A Cute Chunk!

Katelyn weighed in and was measured up for her 2 month check-up.  I cannot believe this little girl! She has gained so much weight for being so little.
At birth: 8 pounds 10 ounces
1 month: 10 pounds 9 ounces
2 months: 13 pounds 8 ounces!
Some babies don't even weigh that much at 6 months old.  We had been noticing her legs getting a LOT chubbier, and she is growing out of her 0-3 month clothes now.  She is growing longer too.  She has grown 3 inches since birth.  Not as crazy, but normal, so that was good to know.
I had a few questions about starting a regular sleep routine and eating routines because I usually just feed her whenever and don't keep track of time too much.  If she wakes up any time during the night, I feed her.  If she cries and it seems like it has been a while since she last ate, she gets fed.  I didn't mind.  She sometimes sleeps through the night.  About half of the time.  Otherwise she'll sleep 4-5 hours and then wake up, eat, and be asleep for 4-5 more hours.  I didn't mind this.  The doctor mentioned several times about how she's not going to starve anytime soon.  Somehow he also knew that she was eating very well and when he saw how much she weighed, he shrugged his shoulders and said, "That number looks right.  About what I would have guessed."
So if there was any worry in my mind that she wasn't eating enough, I can let that go :)
Our chunky baby sure is fun!  Here you can see her chubby legs, but lately she has liked hanging out upside down almost.  I just play with her feet and she lounges.  Weird, but she'll lay back for so long.  She is all smiles after she eats and we love that!  She lets us know when she's not happy which isn't always as cute.  She sure can snuggle though and then be kicking and squirming really quick.  She's wiggly, snuggly, cranky, smiley, and who knows what else will come out of her :)  We sure do love our baby, chubby overlapping layers and all!


Steve and Nykele said...

So cute! I go in today for Parker's 2 month well check! They're growing so fast!

Emily said...

She is beautiful Lorry!! We NEED to meet her soon!!