Wednesday, February 15, 2012

This Valentine of Mine

This year David and I decided that I would take over everything for Valentine's Day, and then he would take our anniversary in May.  David doesn't like Valentine's Day in that there isn't any reason for it and it seems like someone (probably a girl) picked a day that everyone would show some extra love that day for those they cared about.  I admit, it is kind of out of the blue and seems made up, but since I am a girl, I thoroughly enjoy it. 

I was trying to come up with the perfect idea and I wanted to be able to get everything prepared early so I wouldn't be trying to move and celebrate the fun love of the holiday.  I put together 14 days of Valentine's and had a gift and a cute note to go with each day.  Some gifts were made from things we had, some were small, some were big.  David has a wishlist that he updates here and there on Amazon and I picked some things from there and thought of some of my own ideas for gifts.

Day 1: I put together an "I love you because..." frame that we can write little love notes to each other all the time.  This is an idea I got from Pinterest...I love that site!  It is going to go up right next to our front door.  I LOVE getting little notes from David.  He might tell you this was really a present for myself, but he likes getting love notes too, but he will only admit it to me :)
Day 2: A new wallet.  I have re-sewed his old one, he has taped it, it was still falling apart and we both knew it was time for a new one.
Day 3: I painted canvas for him.  I saw this idea on Pinterest and thought it looked cute.  This was fun and I know it looks plain, but that's what I like about it.  These are the colors in our bedroom and it will go up on the wall with some wedding pictures.
Day 4:Hot Tomales...I was snacking on some and he was bummed they were all gone and he didn't get any, so I got him his own box.
Day 5: New tie for church
Day 6: Gum...we like gum around here.
Day 7: Lemon-heads...2nd favorite candy
Day 8:  Monopoly Deal...Katelyn loved getting in on the opening and it looks like she was either crying on David's shoulder, or wrestling with him and "mauling" him.  She looks happy, so I think it was wrestling!
Day 9: Fridge Magnets....We have been needing some fridge magnets, maybe not this many, but I decided to do one for all the family members.  I cut out foam board, scrapbook paper, and head shots of all the siblings, parents, grand kids and stuck a magnet on the back.  Katelyn loves to play with them.  She is repeating words I say lately and so she tries to say all the names with me.  Some are easier than others but she can fully say these ones: baby (Jake and Liam), Papa, Mama, Dad, Abby, and Emme, and I love watching her as she tries to say some of the harder ones where she can get a part of them, but gets confused and usually lets me know she gives up on that one and goes back to "baby" ...Christine, Brooks, Chelsea, Tricia, Tracie.  Grandma always makes her say "mama" and Peter always gets her version, "Pee-Pee" ...Sorry Peter, we are working on that still :)
Day 10: Butterfinger...#1 favorite candy bar
Day 11: Phase 10 the card game.... a classic.
Day 12: Free Desk!  A family in our ward had an old wood desk that they were ready to part with so I made the arrangements to have some people from my moving crew pick it up and drop it off.  David has been hoping that someday he could have a desk again and he is really hoping I my craftiness/sewing doesn't find it's way there :)
Day 13: Toaster.  This isn't any toaster. David is picky about his breakfasts and also doesn't like to spend much time makeing what he really wants, so he usually would just stop by McDonald's on his way to work.  That gets expensive and so David found a way to fix it with this monster of a toaster!  He put this on his wish list awhile ago and has been dreaming about it. 

He usually just buys things when he wants something, but I told him that he had to wait until after this round of holidays (Christmas, Valentine's, and his birthday in April) and it was like pure torture for him.  David loves it!  He can make his sausage, egg, and cheese sandwich with ease and he knows I love him for sure now :)
Day 14: I set up something that we were in desperate need of.  In Nampa, we had some friends that we would rotate with and watch each other's kids so we would get two dates a month.  It was so nice!  We finally feel really comfortable here and I set up a date night swap that we can rotate with and get some regular dates in again.  I also put together a list of a few dates for each specific month that we can choose from so that we have ideas to go off of and not just thinking about the usual dinner, movie, or tennis.  It will be so nice to get out together and have something fun in mind already.  We are also going to get a temple group together so we can get to the temple more regularly and often. 

This turned out to be perfect with our moving situation and also because David was out of town during the week staying at his hotel.  I sent him with a gift to open each night over skype while he was gone and then had some of the gifts at home for the weekends too.  He enjoyed it and I did too.  It was different, but even though he wasn't home to celebrate yesterday with me, (and Katelyn and I went and babysat for a friend and her husband...Katelyn was a big help) David felt loved all month and is now worried that he will have to plan something that is as good or better than this for our anniversary.  Perfect :)

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