Friday, February 17, 2012


We have a problem here.  We have these creepy crawling bugs here. We only moved 15 minutes away from our old place, but the difference has to be that we are on the ground floor now instead of the 2nd floor.  These bugs I am seeing aren't the usual bugs and we haven't seen any other bugs in here. I have only seen three of them, but they are big (like 2 inches long!) and fast!  I panic a little each time I see one before I scope out something to smash them with. I looked them up to see what they were which was gross and just as terrifying when 20 pictures of this and other nasty bugs popped up on my screen.

Gross huh?!?

They are a long legged fast crawling centipede.  I am sure that isn't the official name for them, but I don't care about that.  We have some bug spray that we are going to spray along the doors and windows that worked for a hobo spider problem we had in Nampa.  I hope it works!  These things take my breath away and make me jump. And I have to do the messy clean up since David isn't home...and there is no way I am going to let them crawl around until he gets home to take care of them.  I didn't used to be such a wimp about these things, but I think once I got married I assumed it was the man's duty to take care of the nasty bees, bugs, spiders and anything creepy.  Maybe it helps the husband feel manlier and helps him to feel like he is protecting his sweet wife?  I don't know, but these things are gross!

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