Monday, August 16, 2010

BOX TOP$ Collector

This last week, David discovered Box Tops.  I don't know if he had never heard about them or noticed them or what, but he is in love with them.  With our coupon adventures, we have been buying General Mills products and  I think they all have a box top on them whether or not the product comes in a box or not.  For each box top that is cut from the packaging, 10 cents is donated to the school of our choice.  We can just mail them an envelope with all of our collected box tops and they can cash them in.
Albertson's gave away 50 extra box tops for each 10 GM products we bought.  They printed out a coupon that had a code on it that we entered online.  David is addicted.  We have our very own account set up for redeeming these online codes.  Not only does it show how much we have contributed to a certain school, but it shows how much other schools in the country have earned.  He loves to check our school's progress and likes to make sure that each and every box top is accounted for.  David is so set on making our school the winning school this coming school year.  He thinks this is the best thing ever.
When we were buying cereal, he chose which flavor of cereal he wanted based on how many box tops he could find on the box.  They were all the same price so it didn't really matter to me which ones we got, but I had it all wrong.
David will also rather eat something that has more box tops on it.  Apparently the more box tops a product has, the better it tastes.
I have noticed that some of the box tops get collected by a certain someone before the food is gone out of the box.  There is a nice hole out of the side of the box and I have a good idea of what used to be there.  Here are a few of the boxes that have had the mark left on them.  They don't quite stay closed with the chunk missing from the top, but we will survive.  Reese's Puffs have been his favorite lately as they have an extra two.

We will have to see if we are able to make our school the winner this year.  I will be sure to give the credit to David for his ambition and enthusiasm when the school wants to congratulate us and give us a big box top champion medal.

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