Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Life has been a little bit good

 (You can click on the picture to see it a little bigger.)
We have definitely been enjoying Katelyn.  We get a kick out of all the faces she can make.  We have found that hours can pass without us even realizing it.. . .seriously!  We can sit and watch her so much!  She is a good snuggler and an ok sleeper.  She sleeps great when we are snuggling with her, but once we lay (or is it lie, I never did figure that one out) her down, she wakes up and wonders where her warm body to snuggle with went.  We wouldn't dare put her to sleep on her belly, and she NEVER sleeps on her back, so we have learned how to prop her up a bit on her side and off to sleep she goes!  Let's just say that last week was a little rough!  The first two weeks were manageable because I had the nurses help and then mom was here helping and I think I had extra energy that wasn't being used to haul her around in my belly or something.  But after Mom left, my energy to wake up to that cute little cry wasn't so plentiful anymore.  I didn't want to bother David's sleep since he had to work early in the morning, so I tried to manage her on my own, but I was exhausted!  David has been very helpful and gives me a good nap each day that I request.  I cannot complain about him!  He has been great and probably saved my sanity!
The sleep issue was one thing we had to deal with.  That week we also ran out of fresh peaches.  This was pretty sad for me.  David didn't care for him which seemed like a crime, but I think I ate enough peaches to make up for his foolishness.

This is one beauty of a peach.  This is a smaller one, I promise.  The biggest ones really are nearly the size of Katelyn's head,  and her head is almost 15 cm around.  They are always so juicy!  A napkin is not enough. . . they either need to be eaten over a garbage can, outside, or over the sink.   I wouldn't mind if peaches came grew on the trees again and Mom brought another three boxes.  She cut and froze some for me, so one day I though it would be a genius idea to blend it up with ice cream to make peach ice cream.  I was so bummed that my ice cream didn't taste like pure peaches and I put it all back in the freezer not eating any of it.  I wanted to take the ice cream flavor out.  Maybe someday I will eat it.
When Mom was here she went to town cooking for me.  We seriously had to tape our freezer closed so that it wouldn't open randomly on its own.  Any time we opened it we had to be ready to catch anything that fell out.  We have eaten enough of the food out of there that we were able to take the tape off a couple days ago.  It is tough being so spoiled!  Thanks Mom!
So we figured out how to get Katelyn to sleep in her bassinet so we have all been able to sleep a lot better.  She has been fun during the days and is a very active baby.  Her arms and legs seem to go nonstop when she's awake.
She is growing great!  At her 2 week appointment, she weighed 9 pounds 13 ounces which means she has gained over a pound so far since she started at 8 pounds 10 ounces.  She is still a little porker!  Started out big and is staying big!  She eats VERY well and nursing has gone VERY well thanks to having the lactation consultants at the hospital. 
My life goes in 2-3 hour times slots now which is strange still.  I am still trying to figure out when to eat, sleep, shower, clean, do laundry, and all the regular life stuff.  It is trickier than I thought it would be.  I still blame Katelyn for somehow making so that only one leg got shaved for church last Sunday. . . it must have been her fault :)
I can't wait until I get to go exercise again!  My doctor wants to make sure I am all healed up before I get moving too much, so I am just going to have to wait it out.
At the last doctor's appointment, we were sitting waiting for the nurse to call us back, and a stranger that looked and smelled like a HEAVY smoker very nicely with a scary smile asked, "Do you mind if people hold your baby?"  I was caught a little off guard, but I am so glad that I said, "Yes, I do mind."  And returned a nice smile back.  I am pretty sure that I could have lost my baby that day. Luckily, having a baby means that in awkward situations you can just stare at your baby and not look up until it all goes away.  I stared at Katelyn until I was called back to see our doctor and Katelyn didn't seem to mind.
It has been strange lately as anything remotely sad or extra happy has been making me tear up.  Like having one leg shaved at church or the ice cream in my peaches.  One extra happy thing that happened here for us was that David got a new job! This great news definitely brought on the tears!  He starts this coming Monday at a CPA firm doing government auditing and we are thrilled!  We have been grateful for the job he has had since we've been here, but it is so unreliable as each day could have been his last.  The project they were working on luckily kept giving them more work, but we were told that the job would go through July so we have been on edge wondering if he would be working the next week or not.  Definitely an answer to a lot of our prayers.  He even wore a wrinkly unmatching outfit to the interview.  Oh well, whatever works right!  I am sure that is going to be his interviewing outfit of choice for any future interviews since it worked for this one.  We are both so relieved and so happy to be done job hunting! David is thrilled to have a real job with benefits and everything.  He's a grown up now right?
So we are happier than ever with this cute chubby baby and a new job for David.  We get to go celebrate tonight since he doesn't have class.  He also gets to bless Katelyn this Sunday and I can't wait to see the dress my mom is making. . .  and my mom and family coming!  So much goodness. . . minus the peaches and scary people wanting my baby.

1 comment:

Mark & Rachel said...

We would put David propped on his side and he would sleep okay. Then when he was about 2 months old a friend suggested I put him on his tummy...I did and he sleeps so well! I would wait until she has some control of her neck and give it a try