Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Katelyn Figuring It Out

This was written up about 4 months ago, and I meant to add to it but never did.  She just had a birthday so I will just post this and then update more with her birthday post coming up hopefully soon!

I am amused with Katelyn and the little things she does.  Sometimes she may drive me crazy, but at the end of the day when all she wants to do is snuggle, I can't find much to complain about.

Here's some of her fun little things she does that make us smile.

Her talking.  She picks up on so much and we say and it is so fun to hear her try and say the words with her pronunciation.  She can't form the sounds that come from the back of her throat like the C/K, G, X, and Qu and substitutes other sounds for them....She has

Her name has progressed over the past few months.  It used to be "tay tay" and then "tay tuh" then "tay nuh" then "tay nen" and now it is "tay tin".  She is getting close!

She narrates a lot of what she does as she plays.  She likes zippers and key holes with her keys (tees) we gave her and will say "opet in toes" as she opens and closes them and she does this for at least 30 minutes each of her favorites.  If she comes across any keys, she gets excited and heads off to find a key hole to put the key in. 

She also loves her stuffed puppy and bear right along with her baby dolls.  She takes care of them and sometimes when we ask Katelyn to help or do something, she assists her "friends" and has them do it for her...eating, going to bed, picking things up, giving good bye hugs and kisses and waves, and diaper changes.

She can't get enough of peek-a-boo and being chased.  She loves the thrill of it.  The pitter patter as I pound my hands on the floor behind her makes her giddy and excited.  We have to be careful as we chase her and when she plays with others because she likes to try and get to a room and then close the door quick!

She loves wrestling and tickling like any kid.

She doesn't have a favorite between David or I.  She just wants the other if one of us told her no or doesn't have enough sympathy.  She likes me to put her to bed, but she won't go until she gives Daddy a "hud in tiss".  When I try to drop her off at nursery, she wants Daddy.  As she wakes up, she sits up in bed and calls for both of us until we come say good morning or until she gets tired of calling for us and comes to find us.  When one of us gives her a high 5, she goes off to find the other to give them one too.

She loves to "tuh-ler" and to play with stickers.  She likes to color a little bit with each color. Possibly more than coloring, she likes to put the crayons in the box and then dump them out and put them in over and over again.

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