Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Now We Have Two!

I took a month off from almost everything and have spent it soaking in my family.  For those of you who are a little concerned I am STILL pregnant, I am sorry I didn't update sooner.  I am definitely not pregnant and have spent the last month soaking in all the family time that I can!  My mom was here for a week and David got three weeks off of work, so I have been spoiled and loved it all!

The thought of having two kids still baffles me.  I still can't believe it is here.  We are loving this little guy to bits, but still can't believe I am not pregnant anymore (glad I am not) and that we have two kids we are responsible for.  Who said that was alright?!  Here's how the whole birth happened.

My due date, October 9th, came and went with no excitement.  My body and my babies just like to hang out in my belly and there was no signs of any sort of labor coming our way.  At my appointment that day, my doctor said that she wanted me to get a non-stress test to make sure the baby was doing alright and if that didn't go ok, then I would be induced that day, otherwise we scheduled to be induced on Sunday the 14th.  The only day possible to do the testing (ultrasound and and hour of monitoring the little guy) was Saturday the 13th.  I didn't want to have a baby on the 13th.  I didn't want any sort of bad luck to be associated with his birthday, so I was hoping we would be cleared.  Silly, I know, but if I had a preference I would choose another day...and even numbers are more favorite for some reason anyways :)

So the testing was borderline and they were about to have me induced then, but left it up to us and we weren't really expecting to be induced that day and were over prepared for Sunday, so they let us come back Sunday to be induced.  

Sunday morning we dropped Katelyn off at a friend's house (Thanks Jackson's) and they took good care of her for the next 24 hours and we didn't worry about her one bit.  We headed to the hospital with too much stuff and were ready for the big day.  I didn't sleep too well the night before...part excited, part nervous wondering if I was prepared physically and mentally as I wanted to be.  As we checked into the hospital they said they were a bit full, but made room for us...too many people having babies!  Everything was pretty slow getting started.  We got there at 8 and by the time they had the IV in and they started the induction it was 11.
Here we go!  There's the last of that giant belly! I had no idea my maternity shirts didn't make it all the way around that belly.  Sorry everyone!

 They didn't use pitocin this time around.  They used a little pill that started contractions and softened the cervix and it worked great.  It lasts for 4 hours and then my body was in the labor mode so they didn't use another pill or pitocin as it wasn't needed as long as my body was progressing on its own.  David and I were just hanging out.  We wished we would have brought some games to play...card games, board games.  We didn't really want to watch the movies we brought so I pulled up a newlywed game sheet of questions and we had fun answering those and talking about them. I had to do something to keep my mind off of contractions and this was fun and had us both laughing.

At 5 pm or so I was starting to get uncomfortable with the contractions and was wondering how much my body had progressed.  If I was all the way dilated and ready to go, then great!  I wouldn't get the epidural.  But, I was only at a 5.  They broke my water and I told them to send in the epidural.  I am so glad my water has never broke in public.  It is the most uncomfortable feeling and I was secluded in my own hospital room feeling like I was wetting myself any time I had a contraction or moved or the baby moved.  Last time I already had the epidural so I couldn't tell what was going on, but this time I was grossed out by the uncontrollable leaking.  

The anesthesiologist was giving someone their epidural and then I was next in line.  I had to stop watching the big clock right in front of me because it made me mad that time was going so slow as the contractions kept coming more frequently and I didn't have my epidural yet.  It is hard to be patient when it hurts!  Finally he came in and got the epidural kicked in at 7 pm.  I was loving the painless contractions!  I was not a fan of a nurse that stepped in to help during the epidural.  She seemed to question my requests, like the one for an epidural.  I hate the question, "How much pain are you in?" especially when I had just asked to get the epidural...Last time around, I told them I was at whatever I needed to be to get my epidural.  This lady wasn't taking that answer and asked me again.  I remember her sounding annoyed, but I remember having a very strong contraction when she was asking me again, so maybe it was just me, but I was annoyed with her and wanted my sweet regular nurse back.  During the epidural, I was having another contraction and I was trying to sit as still as possible so the anesthesiologist could do his job the best and my nurse was trying to move me around and adjust the monitor straps on my belly.  I was annoyed with that too, but then again I was having a contraction.  This nurse seemed to only be annoying to me when I was having contractions, but that is when she was trying to help me, so I am not sure who is at fault here :)

Now the waiting game began.  I continued to dilate little by little and everything was going well.  David and I took a nap even!  I started to feel some contractions at 9, so I called someone in to bump up the juice.  If I was going to pay for the epidural, I didn't want to feel those contractions.  They relieved the pain and I was a happy camper and took another little nap.  

A little after 10 they came in to see how I was doing.  I was doing too great!  The little guy was ready to come out!  My doctor was finishing up a c-section and they weren't sure if there was enough time to allow her to finish up to come and deliver our baby.  The epidural was a little too strong and I couldn't feel or move anything at all and I wanted to have some control, so I had them lower the pain juice.  We were all a little nervous that the baby would slide out without me knowing.  I had David check a couple times while we were waiting just to make sure :)  We waited for the epidural to settle down and for my doctor to be ready for us.

At 11:30, I was feeling good and my doctor and nurses were ready to go.  I had some feeling and had control of my legs again and didn't need anyone to move or lift them for me, but the epidural was still doing its job and I was in no pain.  With David on one side and my nurse on the other I pushed my baby out in 6 minutes!  David was brave and cut the cord this time.  This was a big step for him!

David Benson (we call him Davy most) was born at 11:36 and I was entirely shocked to find out that he weighed 9 pounds 10 ounces!  He was 20 7/8 inches (since when did they try to be that precise?  With how wiggly he was, I wish they would have rounded it off to 21 or down to 20 1/2)  How in the world was he so big and thick and everything went so smoothly?  Seriously, I didn't even tear down there and needed no stitches! ...I am not sure if I want to be happy that there was no tearing, because to me that means those parts are a little too stretched out for that to be normal.  My doctor said that it was fine and not to be worried.  I am glad though because it has made for a very nice recovery!

I was so shocked by how fast and smooth everything went that I didn't have time to cry any tears.  We were all laughing for awhile in unbelief and my doctor was very happy it went so well.  She had delivered 5 babies that day, and mine definitely went the best!  As I snuggled up with our new little boy, he calmed right down.  As big as he was, he was still a floppy sleepy little baby and I enjoyed spending time just looking at every inch of him, still shocked. 

His birth still amazes me.  I am so grateful for how well everything went.  The recovery has been great too.  My lower back and hips feel like they are back into place and don't ache so much. My hospital stay wasgreat except for the food.  Last time, the food was great and this time it was pretty bad.  I would always order way more than I could eat hoping that I could find something I liked to fill up on. 

We are loving this sweet boy in our family!

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