Monday, August 30, 2010

She's here!

We are thrilled!  She finally made it!  She made us all wait an extra week and she made David and I wait a whole day in labor!

We went in Sunday morning at 7 to be induced and everything was looking great!  We thought she would be out in 8 hours or so, but she had her own plan.  I will be writing he birth story in more detail later.  But after 16 hours of labor (I got the epidural after 4 hours of it so we were just mostly just waiting it out with no pain, don't worry) she finally decided to make her entrance.  She wanted to make it before the day was over I guess.

Here is our sweet little girl:
Katelyn Eleanor Rudd

Born at 11:45 pm weighing 8 pounds 10 ounces (I know David told some of you 9 oz, but I am positive she was 10 and I will fight for every ounce I worked for)  :)
She has a full head of dark brown/black hair, all ten fingers and toes, and cute wrinkly hands and feet.  We are both doing great and adjusting well.  She is being monitored and tested for an infection and they want to be sure she will be fine at home so she has an IV in her hand in the first picture.  We are thrilled to have her here and David and I love to snuggle her up and hold her and kiss her like crazy!  She is too cute for us and we couldn't be happier.  We have been able to rest as they keep a close watch on her every once in a while for the infection she might have.  We aren't worried about her as they are just being extra cautious with our little girl to be sure she is fine.  We love her and can't get enough of her.  David is great at calming her down when she starts crying.  He was great the whole labor and delivery and helped out a ton.  I am so glad he was there with me because I would have been so bored on my own.  It was a long time to wait, I won't lie.  We both made it through and are now proud parents of an adorable little girl.


Crissa Rae said...

Hooray! She's so beautiful with a chubby little face, and dark hair! :) Congratulations! Love you guys! I better get to meet her sometime! ;)

Steve and Nykele said...

Yeah! Congrats! We're so excited for you!

Jarom said...

AHHHHHH she is so beautiful!!!! Congrats you guys!!!

Mark & Rachel said...

I am so excited for you Lorry! I've been checking your blog waiting for the update :-) Hope all goes well and she can go home. Congrats!!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to you both...What a beautiful little girl!! Lots of Love to you All!!! Aunt Coleen