Thursday, February 24, 2011


I feel like I have too many things to do, all of them very important of course, so which tasks do I cross off the list first?  Well, lately it seems like my answers have been "none of the above" and at the end of the day I think back and realize I didn't really get anything done.  Sometimes David will come home and ask, "So what did you guys do today?". . . and my answers are laughable to say the least.

For example. . . painting my nails, and Katelyn's.  Katelyn doesn't need her nails painted, and she squirms so much that it really isn't necessary.  I have never been a painted nails kind of girl,. . . I can never seem to get the right hand painted well enough and then if I do, I can't sit still long enough for them to dry, but somehow it has found its way in and trumped making a decent dinner for the night.

Having a good meal. . . more than cereal, PB&J, or some wimpy sandwich. . . makes it feel like a successful day.  And if that meal gets cleaned up that night, I may as well have won the lottery!

I have to shower first thing in the morning before Katelyn wakes up.  I have tried to feed her, distract her with a bucket of toys, shower while she naps, sing to her while I shower (she always loves our singing. . . to her we are pro but sorry, we don't preform for anyone but her).  She doesn't approve of me showering.  I made up this theory that she gets sad because she knows someone is home and she hears the water trickle down the pipes behind her wall and that someone is home is not entertaining her.  If only she knew how bad it really would be if I didn't shower.  I have mastered the 5 minute shower. . . sorry Dad, I know you tried your hardest, but I never caught on until I had a wailing baby.  This is a normal problem right?  Has anyone else found it difficult to get a decent shower when you are home alone with the baby?

It is funny to me because when Katelyn naps, sometimes it is for 30 minutes, sometimes 3 hours.  When it is a 30 minute nap, I am begging for her to go back to sleep.  Mostly because she doesn't wake up that happy so I assume she needs a longer nap.  When she sleeps longer than an hour, those are conveniently the times when I am planning on going somewhere and waiting for her to wake up.  Or sometimes I start worrying that she'll take too long of a nap and then keep us all up until midnight.  Where's the balance?

I love when my baby wakes up happy.  That means she got plenty of sleep and she is ready to eat and then play.  Note: Wait 20 minutes after eating before tickling, spinning, or bouncing or things get messy.  And when she wakes up happy, that usually means that Mom and Dad wake up happy too.  Lately she has been waking up off and on at night.  Some nights are great (like last night. . . heavenly!) and we are all peacefully sleeping, but others aren't so peaceful.  We aren't sure what makes it a good or a bad night, but I have a feeling that the train that goes by every hour "Choo-Choo!" mixed with the neighbor who is not a graceful stair climber and thuds his/her way up and down the stairs only when my baby is sleeping also mixed with the neighbor that hacks up a lung with every cough might be part of the problem.  (Anybody that would like to buy us a house, we will humbly accept the donation.)  Luckily, Katelyn goes back to sleep with a little bit of lovin' at nights. I have also wondered: I want my baby to be able to sleep through anything, but she wakes up if we are too noisy so where is the balance?  Do I tip-toe around to ensure she sleeps and avoid noises at all costs, or do I do whatever I want to even though it might wake her up?

While Katelyn is sleeping I have these great plans for all the things I am going to accomplish. . . cleaning/de-cluttering, planning a coupon shopping trip, getting myself ready for the day, planning a lesson, getting dinner ready, planning a basketball practice, paying bills, calling a friend to chat, updating our blog, making something cute and crafty, or anything productive.  I am not quite sure how time gets away from me and at the end of the day it seems like the to-do list didn't get any shorter.  I am ready for a good routine and some motivation to get things done.   I know I don't have to be all over the place and some Super Mom, but
I want to be able to respond to the question, "What did you do today?" with something more than painting our nails.  So off I go!

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