Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Over and Out

She figured it out.  A couple weeks ago Katelyn realized how to roll that chubby little body over!  She was a little confused when she did it, but now it is just part of playing for her.  This is one of those milestones that are great for her, but for me, I am just thinking about the little time that I have left of an immobile baby.  Now I can steal her away and give her as many hugs and kisses I could possibly imagine.  Soon she will be tromping around and I know it will be much harder to catch her and smother her with all those hugs and kisses like I can now.  I like that I can set her somewhere and clean the kitchen or do some "good wife task" and she will just sit there.  She's not crawling yet, but I know it's coming.  I don't think I am ready for her to learn these new things.  Is it ok to knock her down every once in a while so she will stay put a bit longer?  Kidding. . . mostly.  She's still an itty-bitty newborn  that just wants to lay there and be held right?

Not quite!  When we snuggle up with her, she's got chunky arms and legs hanging out all over the place.  She grabs at anything . . . especially glasses and faces. . . and her curious mind doesn't always want to sit and snuggle with mom and dad.

She started having solids, which aren't really solid at all as she has no teeth to chew. . . so I don't like calling them solids.  Baby food. . . you know, everything blended, or mashed so that it can get everywhere a little easier?  She is still figuring it out and how to swallow it.  It's just not quite milk.  She has figured out that it makes really thick bubbles :)  Here's some pictures of how the feeding went.  Katelyn is very expressive. . . and didn't think this was as fun as mom and dad thought it was.  The one in the middle cracks me up!

She got a little sick lately and I think it is harder on us than it is for her.  A stuffy nose makes things so tricky when you have to close your mouth to eat.  I couldn't stop snuggling with her and so I got sick too.  David hasn't caught it yet so no snuggling with him right?  There's no way he would give up his Katelyn time each night.

She's been sleeping  longer the last couple of days, but she wakes up often because she tries to breathe through her stuffy nose.  It's rough on her and me.  We are both sleep deprived and all stuffed up.  She is super snuggly now though and I don't mind that a bit!

She learned how to squeal really high and she knows that it gets my attention really quick.  The last couple of days she hasn't been able to get her voice up high though. . . it cracks and is out.  She has that sick croaky voice now which is so pathetic but cute.

She takes about 5 minutes or so to warm up to people.  She's not a baby that flashes a smile at everyone.  She still stares them down, checks often for my "approval" and then after a bit she will then snuggle up real close or start blowing bubbles for you and smile at how cute she is.  She needs to be convinced that you are worth smiling at. . . that's my guess.

She has figured out how to pull her bottom lip in and suck on it. . . it gives her a goofy face.

I love that she can play with toys.  She will sit and reach for them and will play with one thing at a time.  She fiddles with them in her hands and sucks on them.  She focuses on each one so hard. . . with her double chin tucked in, cheeks plumped as plump as they can be, down brow in full force, lips together just enough to let the drool seep out, and her mind gets going.  Her arms reach way up high and then pounce down on the toy of choice, though sometimes it is a bit too far away, so she will try her pounce again and reach a bit further.

Here's a video of all of her specialties!   

We can't seem to get enough of her!  We love that she is so squishy and sturdy all at the same time.  I don't know what I would do with a skinny baby. . . I guess feed her more :)

1 comment:

Kelsie said...

I love her little painted pink toes. :) She is so cute!