Sunday, June 6, 2010

Game night!

There is a new show on tv called "A minute to win it"  and the games make great party fun.  We went home for Memorial day weekend and Ben and Elizabeth went home too and were excited to play these silly games with all of us.  I put together a little video of most of the events and since none of my events were too embarassing, I am willing to share this with anyone and everyone!
I have the full version of all the videos, so if you want to see more, let me know and I will send those out too!
So here is a little montage of our eventful night, and just so you know, the videos were just cut, and I didn't slow down or speed up any of them!  This is all natural talent, put to music (since we were either laughing or so dead quiet and concentrated that you could probably hear one of us drooling!)

I am sure you are quite impressed!  This family has some talent, and we married some pretty talented people too!  Feel free to throw your own "Minute to Win It" party. . . very entertaining :)


Crissa Rae said...

Those games were HILARIOUS! :) How are you doing? I can't believe you're just so cute and pregnant.

Crissa Rae said...

I forgot to finish writing before I posted it... Let us know when your little girl gets here so that we can come visit you! Also, I will be done with school officially in 1 month & 12 days!... Then I'll have more time... :) We miss hanging out with you guys, but hope that everything is going well! Love ya!