Friday, June 25, 2010

I Can Only Hope

My belly is very lopsided as I think she is turned on her side or something.  Very strange looking as the right half of my pregnant belly is sticking out further than the left side and it is not squishy at all.  I felt like I was really rubbing the side of her belly.  Maybe I should have tickled her. . . is she ticklish?! She also seems to be taking up more room which means I eat about three bites and feel full. . . but then I am starving by the time the food is done being put away.  Such a little trickster! This little girl is also "plucking" my ribs as if they were making music for her.  Maybe they are!  I wonder how it sounds :)  Maybe she is getting bored in there and is trying to find new things to do.  I think she has found a new hobby! 
 Here we are at 32 weeks!
I am a little worried about this girl.  I don't want her to get too big.  I was thinking she will probably be the regular 7 pound baby.  I was talking to Mom and asking her about all of us and how all 10 of her pregnancies were.  I have it recorded in my baby book and some old birth announcements that got placed in my "box of memories" (this box is filled with the most random things, but they are so fun to look through: report cards from nearly every grade-including reports of my chattiness and disruptions in class, art work, awards from everything- 4th grade choir, honor roll, skipper of the day(I jump roped for 9 min 55 seconds in 4th grade!), crossing guard, Fireballs Soccer, Cable Bridge Run ribbon, science fair projects, made up poems, news paper articles I was in, Presidential Fitness award-signed by Bill Clinton :), piano lesson awards- most of them were for being a good sight reader since I never practiced as much as I should have, and more) Anyways, I saw that I was a little over a 9 pound baby!  I couldn't believe it, but it was written in more than one place.  I asked mom about how big all of us were and she just casually said, "mmm. . . everyone was around 9 pounds, but Chris was over 11."  She said this like it was no big deal!  And she never had an epidural!  I still can't believe it!  None of us are huge!  Even the 11 pounder.  We aren't twigs either. . . well I know of one, but I am sure he has beefed up since I last saw him. . . maybe :)  I feel like all 10 of us are relatively average in size, all the boys are 6 feet so they are kinda tall, and all the girls are just above or below 5' 6" ish.  We are sort of tall, but pretty average.  Why were we such heavy babies?
 Ok. . . this picture does make my head look huge, and no this isn't a newborn picture, but maybe all of our heads were huge as we were born making us weigh extra.
I don't know how big David was, I have only seen this baby picture.  He is chunky, but just the regular cute baby rolls and chubby cheeks right?  I think he is peeking out of one eye. . . maybe :)
I don't know, but I am just hoping that this little girl or ours definitely doesn't pull an 11 pounds on me.  That would not be funny.
I also don't know how my mom did it and survived to tell it with such ease, but I am still hoping that measuring normal at my appointments means that I will have an average sized baby.
As for all the hair David had and the peach fuzz that I barely had at a year old, that's a different story that I am not nearly as concerned for my body for.  We will just have to wait and see about the eyes too. . . I am seeing too many complete opposites in these baby pictures so we will be suprised.  As long as both eyes are wide eyed, or sealed shut I don't think I will mind. . . same with the hair, no half bald and half black, combable hair.  So much anticipation!

1 comment:

Mark & Rachel said...

Hey! My David came 2 1/2 weeks early, so prepare yourself as much as possible :-)