Wednesday, January 5, 2011

I did it. . . .sorta!

So back in October I mentioned I was ready to lose the baby weight and be back down to my pre-pregnancy weight by Christmas  and anyone who wanted to join the challenge to lose some extra weight was welcome to join in as well.  I started off and was going pretty good, going jogging two to three times a week and doing some ab workouts to help slim down the "flotation device."  That was all going great until Thanksgiving and some of us ran a 5K race.  I will admit, I didn't do anything exercise wise for all of December.
I enjoyed plenty of Christmas treats and loved them.  They were delicious! In the back of my head I couldn't help but think that I needed to get moving again.  So I signed the two of us up for a basketball tournament.  It was a 3 on 3 tournament, so I felt signing up for this would give me a little more motivation to get going again so I could be a good contributer and not a dead leg of the team.  This didn't work.  It was stinking cold outside, and I put off packing and exercising the entire time.  The tournament came and there was no age limits so there were girls from 12 years old to 50.  I knew I wasn't in shape, and was really hoping for the best but expecting the worst.
The first game was a disaster on my part. There were two 12 year olds, a really good/really tall lady and me. The two little girls didn't look like they could play at all and the tall girl felt bad for how good and tall she was so she took it easy on all the teams and would pass it off every time.  I was so glad we had 4 so that I could relax and breathe every once in a while.  I missed almost all my shots miserably and  we lost our first game.
The second game was different.  I was a whole new player.  I got in a rhythm and was unstoppable.  I loved it!  The first team to 21 won, and since the tall/good girl didn't want to score too much, I took over.  I think I had 10 to 15 points per game after that first game.  I was dead tired after each game, but somehow I survived.  We got to the point where we couldn't lose one more game or we would be done. . . and we just kept on going!  We had games back to back and found ourselves in the championship!  We were tied and the whole game was close.  It came down to a last second basket. . . .by the other team and they won it!  I was a little bummed, but it was such an awesome falling/off balance shot that won the game that I couldn't be too mad since it was so cool.  The winners got gatorade and I really wanted some.  I was so dead and exhausted and it sounded so good.  So we settled for a 2nd place finish.  Not bad at all!
So back to the weight loss thing.  I thought that for sure I didn't lose the weight, but we didn't have a scale, so it was a mystery.  On the 31st, I had a physical for insurance.  I was weighed. . . and I couldn't believe it.  I was 144 pounds!  I did it!!!  I am pretty proud that I did it, but I have plenty of firming up to do. I am not quite sure how the weight got off, but I will take it.  No complaining for me!  I guess that 2nd place finish in the basketball tournament was all I needed.

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