Friday, March 18, 2011

The rest of the story. . . for you Papa

My dad sure is on top of the current events.  I left out some VERY important events of Katelyn's visit to Washington. Dad sent me an email and let me know. . . 

"You didn't mention some of her first time experiences that we had here at the farm!!!  If you recall we had a wonderful time that one night and Katelyn's first taste of ice cream!!  and what about her first Georgia Mud Fudge blizzard which happened to be the same time she had her first ice cream experience.  And, and what about the first time I really got David upset!!  or, or how about the time she had her first fortune cookie, or Frieto corn chip, ro, or her first kissk on the lips from Maggie!!
    lorry you're going to have to get your journal entries updated so that little gal can savor all those firsts that evidently you are just letting pass by!  :) :)
    Just kidding!!!!  I love your letter and the photos were pretty good too!!

So first of all, my parents don't live on a farm or anything like it but that is what he called his place.  Actually I do remember Dad always saying "Who left the barn door open?!" whenever we would leave the door open during the winter and let all the heat escape out the front door.  So maybe we did live on a barn.  All of us kids must have been his animals. . . now I get it!

Dad loved coming home from work and playing with Katelyn.  They played plenty of peek-a-boo and were just plain silly together.  Sometimes Dad would even let me play with her for a bit and just loved watching me be mom especially when she would get the giggles.  

The ice cream story is his favorite.  Here's how he tells it:

"I went to see Abby at work, purchased a few blizzards and shared them with the family.  When I got home Lorry was Skyping David with Katelyn on her lap.  She kept looking back at me away from David, . . . sooooo cute!!  Well, I just started sharing some of my blizzard with her, . . . . ooh, she liked it!!!  Her eyes lit up, her lips got to smacking, and I could tell I had a buddy for sure.  Then, BANG!!!  David caught onto what I was doing and busted us!!  Oh did she put up a fit when the spoonfuls stopped, . . . not really, but you could tell she liked it!  David was funny though, " Hey, Lorry stop your dad from feeding her that stuff!!"  " Hey, that can't be good for her!"  Man was I in a pickle now!  no more from me for sure!!  I'll be good!
    Katelyn and I are buds though,  . . . . . there's a special bond there now I know!! :)  :)  Saturday night we danced at Vanessa's wedding reception for about half the night away.  Every now and then someone  (like Lorry) would come take her away from me, and then I'd have to go rescue her from some stranger and we'd go dance some more."

Katelyn wasn't very happy when the ice cream stopped coming.  Dad loves his ice cream and the fact that Katelyn liked it too won him over.  He was a proud grandpa. . . even though David got on him about giving "poison" to his little girl.  Dad liked sneaking treats to Katelyn all week.  We went out for Grandma Honey's 87th birthday for Chinese food and Katelyn got a hold of a fortune cookie.  She sucked on that cookie until it was so soggy, then she left it for me as she stuck it on my shirt.  She also got a big corn chip which she sucked on until she broke a piece off and  was on her way to choking on that.  I had to take that one away from her.

Dad loved having Katelyn around.  She didn't mind the extra attention at all. . . except those puppy kisses from Maggie.  Katelyn wasn't sure about the big furry animal especially since Maggie didn't like when Katelyn tried to climb on to her!    They just don't know about each other yet.  

So those are some of the things that I didn't mention about the trip.  Let me know if I left anything else out!  :)

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