Thursday, July 15, 2010

How big and how soon?

I am sorry that everything I write about on this blog has something to do with this new baby on the way, but that is just life for us right now.  Especially for me since I am not working and I have each day to pretty much think up some grand idea for the day.  Today it looks like it will be laundry and cleaning out the car to see what's even in there. . . and maybe a swim before David gets off work. . . who knows!  Pretty exciting huh?!
In my last post I mentioned the weird dreams I have been having.  They don't stop.  I am having my doctor's appointments every week now as we get closer to the end of this baby growing season for me.  At the last appointment, I was measuring right on if not just barely bigger than "normal" I guess you could say (I am only talking about my belly. . . hips, legs, arms, and extra chins are not measured at these appointments, and they haven't been out of control, but in case you were wondering :)  So this was two weeks ago.  Measuring normal.  At my appointment this week, I measured above and beyond!  And he even measured twice just to make sure, in which he reassured me that I was almost to the next mark.  EEK!  So if this belly was on target, it would have measured 34. . . maybe 35 as it usually coordinates with how far along I am.  I measured 37, almost 38!  First thing I thought was. . . Is this baby coming early?!  If he says we are having this baby tomorrow, am I ready?  I got really excited and nervous at the same time. . . you know that nervous giddy smile.  Then I started thinking about how big all of my siblings and I were and I think that smile turned more nervous than anything.  I only gained a couple pounds from last time, so the baby is just growing huge!  Oh boy!  I told my doctor about how I come from a family of big babies. . . chunky, not wimpy. . . and how I was 9 pounds and that I had a brother that was over 11.  He asked, "c-section on any of them?"  Nope.  Then he just looked at me with a smile that kind of said "your mom is tough and you could be in for a ride."  That's when he said that he definitely wanted to see me next week.  I don't know if I was going to originally going to come back in 2 weeks, but that smile was still there so I think maybe not.  He is going to look at some of my "personal samples" to check for anything that could be an issue. . . lucky him!  
So as for these dreams, I think I have had this baby at least 20 times now, and each time has a different story to it.  They are getting more and more real though. . . as in I am not having her in a tree, in the ocean while scuba diving, or sliding down Mt. Adams.  As pathetic as it sounds, the most strenuous activity I have done lately is probably rolling over in bed.  I have gone on walks, but I think momentum makes that easier than rolling over!  I think my dreams are more real now since the doctor's appointment, and we also toured the hospital where we are going to deliver so there isn't a need for exotic dream locations anymore.  David would be bored with our morning chats as the dreams are just at the hospital now.  I don't know, but they keep coming.  
With these great dreams, I decided it was time we packed our hospital bag, with only a few things on a list that we will grab when the special time comes.  I have also had dreams where I was oblivious that I was in labor, so I hope that that doesn't entirely happen.  I am ok with no labor pains, if that is the case, but I am positive that David doesn't want to deliver the baby. . . 100%.  So I just hope that I get some definite signal so that we can calmly make our way to the hospital a couple blocks away and then none of my dreams come true.

p.s.  We are getting closer to my belly button popping out. . . it is so close!  And I am proud to say I haven't found any stretch marks. . so far just tan lines and those are part of pregnancy right :)

1 comment:

Mark & Rachel said...

I had super weird dreams...and they were so real! Haha. Im excited for you and David, good luck, you can do it!