Friday, July 30, 2010

Patiently waiting for August adventures. . . trying

This is a time of mixed emotions.  I think both David and I are going through this roller coaster.  We know things are going to change within a matter of a few weeks and we are hoping for the best.  We have repeatedly heard advice, enthusiasm, and encouragement, but we don't really know how it will be until we experience it for ourselves.  I think it is safe to say that it is normal that we feel like everything will be settled once ______ happens.  As we were engaged, it was our wedding.  As we were newlyweds, it was finishing school.  As we were finishing school, it was my student teaching placement.  As we finished school, it was when David got a job.  Now we are looking forward to meeting this baby girl of ours and being a family of three :)  We set up these milestones in our life and figure if we can make it to that point, everything will just coast from there, right?  For a bit, yes, but then we realize there is more out there for us.  So we set up a new goal to work towards.
David is finishing up his class next week, his job may possibly be done within a few weeks. . . or it may go until October. . . . or it may turn full-time, David might start a full semester of classes a week after the baby is due, I might need to go substitute on the days David isn't in school, this baby or ours may come this week or in three. . . . .. . . . .. . . . ..  all we know is that there is a lot that we don't know yet and it won't be known for another month.  It is hard to play the waiting game to see where we'll end up.  Of course, we would love to see our game plan and how it all turns out, but that's not how it works.  It would just be too nice to know all of this ahead of time.  So much anticipation!
August is almost here.  I am a bit sad because that means summer is coming to a close, but this is what this body of mine has been waiting for.  Now it is safe and we have been given the 'go ahead' that  if she comes today, she and I will be strong and healthy.  I want her to come soon for my body's sake and because we are so curious as to what she will look like and we are excited to meet her. . . but then I get a bit nervous for this grand entrance and I hope she goes easy on me, so maybe I can wait a little longer.  Though the thing is that it isn't my choice.  She will come when she will come, unless she takes too long and the doctor decides she's getting too cozy in there and needs some help getting out.  But then again, it isn't my choice.
So many things going through our heads, we talk about all we have done/could do and it all seems to end with "well, we'll just have to see when we get there."  Frustrating, exciting, nerve wracking, and thrilling all at the same time.  We will just have to see what August brings. . . patiently :)

1 comment:

Mark & Rachel said...

This waiting game is so hard! Good luck, enjoy every minute of you and David time and then enjoy every minute of being a family of 3!