Friday, July 23, 2010

Whew. . . Still a girl!

I go see my doctor once a week now which means that we are down to the final weeks, possibly days, before this little girl comes!!!  I have started to get ancy and we are just a little excited knowing that she could come any day now and everything would probably be great!  We are less than a month away from our due date so it is definitely time to be excited!
We feel like we are as "good to go" as we can be for her.  I washed all of the clothes and blankets we have for her from newborn to 3 months old.  It is so fun (for now) so see her cute little clothes mixed in with ours.  I have said this before, but I just can't get over how teeny tiny the clothes are.  David and I are also trying to figure out how little girls can be so cute with ruffles on their bum?  I would look cute with ruffles on the bum of my pants, right?  David just laughs at me, so that means yes right?  Maybe I will have to get a pair of those as I am sure we be so adorable together :)
At my last appointment, I had to schedule it early in the morning so David wasn't able to come.  I get there and my nurse starts taking me back to the ultrasound room.  I didn't know we were doing another ultrasound!  The one time David can't come they do an ultrasound?  Oh man!  So I was kind of bummed about that.  They did this ultrasound to measure the fluid in my belly. . . so they know if my water has broken or not would be my guess.  So I was laying there on the bed and this wasn't where I usually get my ultrasounds done.  Usually I get them done at the hospital where they have a fancier machine and fancier beds. . . with better pillows.  This bed I was laying on felt like I might as well be laying on the ground.  And the pillow was nothing like the 4 pillows I sleep with at night.  So I was not very comfortable at all. . . not that laying down is very comfortable anymore anyways, but this was not the place.
The ultrasound machine wasn't the fancy one they have used on me in the past, but I guess it was good enough to measure the fluid, so that's what they used.  I wasn't really able to see anything too recognizable except for the heart because it was beating strong.  With her being so big, the ultrasound was too focused in on each area.  She is pretty much a full size baby now so there were no full body shots.  She still has her head buried down low too, so we couldn't see any good face shots either.  She was squirming around a ton the whole time which doesn't feel good when I am laying on my back. . . I would say she was probably squishing/jabbing all my organs in my belly that were underneath her.  It actually made me feel nauseous and I couldn't wait until the ultrasound was over because of that.  Laying on an uncomfy table/bed on my back with her squirming around was a bad combo. . . and we couldn't really see anything too exiting.  We seriously couldn't get her hands or feet to be still for long enough to get a picture of those.  So I was good. David didn't miss much on this ultrasound.  She wasn't inside waving to us with a big smile on her face or anything.  I think she was just practicing a little jig and we are expecting that performance when she arrives :)
He did confirm once again that it was a girl. . . .hooray!  I have been wondering if I should pack an extra outfit in our hospital bag just in case it was a boy, but my doctor said everything was clear between the legs for sure.  I still might just in case as I wouldn't want to have him dressed in a cute pink outfit coming home from the hospital.
My doctor did also confirm that I have very nice birthing hips!  I asked him if he was able to tell how big she was and I think he knows I am a little nervous for how big she will be when the big delivery day comes.  He said that she will probably be a little on the bigger side if she waits to come until we are full term, but not huge.    He then nicely and casually assured me that I have a "good build and good birthing hips."  That is a compliment right?!  I laughed a bit and thanked him for that one.  I think I will be glad I have that "good build" when the special day comes.
My belly keeps on growing.  I not only have a nice place to set things when I am sitting down. . . or standing for that matter. . . but when I lay down on my side, I also have a nice extended flat place for things to be placed :)  This belly isn't just a little bump anymore.  It is now a resting ground for all sorts of things.  My lap is being taken over, so I what I can't place on my lap, goes on the belly :)

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